Monday, February 17
London, UK

Club News

Disabled Football

Erith Town With Free Pre-Game Disability Training Session

Prior to the weekend’s game with Broadbridge Heath, Erith Town organised a free Disability Training Session for folks in the local area to attend, as a way of helping people improve their fitness, social skills and to help them learn some new skills on the football pitch.

Led by Under-23s Manager, Marc Petters with assistance from First Team Manager, Adam Woodward and Head of Youth & Community, Michael Avery, the session was great fun for everyone involved and continues to show The Dockers’ commitment to those in the local area.

Disabled Football

Speaking of the success of the event, Marc Petters said, “I am absolutely delighted with the turnout that we had today, and seeing those who took part have such a huge smile on their faces whilst they were taking part in the sessions made the whole thing worthwhile.  Helping people with disabilities, whether physical or mental, is something we should all strive to do, and I am over the moon to have been able to help.  I’d like to thank all those who came along to the session,  and also to Michael and Woody who took the time on an incredibly hectic match day to assist me.”

Disabled Football

Marc continued, “Seeing the look on the parents faces whilst seeing their child exercise was just as good as seeing the children enjoy themselves.”
