
Keep up-to-date with every Dockers first team match with our fixture calendar.

To access the fixture calendar in any browser click here.

To subscribe to this calendar in an application e.g. Outlook, click:
Add calendar > From Internet > paste in this URL:

And click okay.The fixture list should then appear in your calendar app and will update automatically.


Small Print:
Please note, all fixture dates and kick-off times are subject to change at any time, for instance to accommodate cup competitions, the requirements of the league and/or other reasons such as police requests and other commitments.
Erith Town FC will not be held responsible for incorrect information being presented in fans’ calendars. By downloading the above links, you accept & confirm that you (a) shall only use the fixtures lists for your own personal private use and not for any commercial purposes; and (b) shall not authorise or permit any third party to use or reproduce the fixtures lists.
All times are UK